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5th G-NMR school

Welcome to the homepage of the 5th G-NMR school at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

Date:     March 6th - 10th 2023

Location:  HHU campus, central lecture hall building (23.01)

Registration: is open from January 12th to February 15th 2023 - attendence is free of charge - (see below for registration instructions)

Course material can be found here (password will be shared via email and during the school).

The 5th G-NMR school is hosted by the Biomolecular NMR Center of the Heinrich Heine University and the Forschungszentrum Juelich and will be located on the Duesseldorf campus from 6th until 10th of March 2023. 

The goal of the course is to provide students (Master/PhD level) and postdocs with a solid theoretical NMR knowledge and to give an overview of state-of-the-art experimental approaches. A basic knowledge of NMR is necessary to successfully attend the course.

The course is split into two parts: Days 1-3 cover the theoretical foundation of NMR including exercises to deepen the fundamentals. Days 4 and 5 cover the application of NMR techniques to solve problems in different areas, which will be organized in parallel sessions. 

More information regarding the G-NMR network can be found -here

The local organizing committee is looking forward to welcoming you in Düsseldorf!

Manuel Etzkorn, Henrike Heise, Nils-Alexander Lakomek, Nasrollah Rezaei-Ghaleh, Dieter Willbold 

List of confirmed speakers

Loren Andreas  Rasmus Linser
Jochen Balbach Burkhard Luy
Eike Brunner Salvatore Mamone
Björn Corzilius Guinevere Mathies
Volker Dötsch Philipp Neudecker
Markus Enders Hartmut Oschkinat
Manuel Etzkorn Bernd Reif
Christophe Fares Nasrollah Rezaei-Ghaleh
Tiago Ferreira  Christian Richter
Daniel Friedrich Kay Saalwächter
Steffen Glaser Michael Sattler
Clemens Glaubitz Andreas Schlundt
Stefan Glöggler Jörn Schmedt auf der Günne
Josef Granwehr Peter Schmieder
Christian Griesinger Gunnar Schröder
Torsten Gutmann Anne Schütz
Thomas Hackl Albert Smith
Franz Hagn Han Sun
Henrike Heise Rustem Valiullin
Daniel Huster Aldino Viegas
Henry Jonker Thomas Wiegand
Michael Kovermann Patrick Wikus
Alexey Krushelnitsky Dieter Willbold
Nils Lakomek Markus Zweckstetter
Johannes Liermann  



You can download the full program with more detailed informations here. 

Venue and how to get there

The school will be located in the university's central auditorium building. For orientation, all buildings on campus have a larger building number on the outside. The auditorium building is numbered 23.01. 

If you enter the 23.01 building through one of the main doors (marked by the end of the arrow on the map), a larger staircase will take you directly to the foyer on the lower level, which provides access to all lecture halls and social events.

There will be no dedicated WiFi for the school, however eduroam should be available throughout campus. 

General traveling information can be found here.

We thank Bruker Biospin for sponsoring.

Registration Instructions

Registration is open from January 12th to February 15th. Attendance will be free-of-charge and registration is open to all national and international Master- and PhD-students as well as Postdocs in the field of NMR.

To apply to attend the NMR school, please send an email to


with the following content:

  1. Subject: "G-NMR 2023 registration".
  2. Include your supervisor in cc.
  3. In the email body, please include only your (1) last name, (2) first name, and the (3) name and postal address of your home institution and (4) head of laboratory (as included in cc). For example:
      Institut für Physikalische Biologie
      Universitätsstr. 1
      40225 Düsseldorf
      Prof. Dieter Willbold


After we have processed your registration, we will send you and your supervisor a confirmation email. If you are not affiliated with an academic NMR institution, please also provide a brief motivation for your application.




We have secured a number of rooms at special rates. These reservations stay open until the end of January.  Please book early.

HK Hotel Düsseldorf City - Varnhagenstr. 37

  • Single room 85€ incl. breakfast
  • Double room 105€ incl. breakfast
  • Code:  GNMR2023
  • Reservations via phone: +49 (0)211 310800, E-Mail:  info(at)hk-hotels-duesseldorf.de


Wyndham Garden Düsseldorf City Centre - Luisenstraße 42


Responsible for the content: Redaktionsteam IPB : Contact by e-mail