Publications in 2006
- Batra-Safferling R, Abaraca-Heidemann K, Körschen HG, Tziatzios C, Stoldt M, Budyak I, Willbold D, Schwalbe H, Klein-Seetharaman J, Kaupp UB
Glutamic acid-rich proteins of rod photoreceptors are natively unfolded.
J Biol Chem 281, 1449-1460 (2006)
- Birkmann E, Schafer O, Weinmann N, Dumpitak C, Beekes M, Jackman R, Thorne L, Riesner D
Detection of prion particles in samples of BSE and scrapie by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy without proteinase K digestion.
Biol Chem. 387, 95-102 (2006)
- Dalli D, Wilm A, Mainz I, Steger, G
STRAL: Progressive alignment of non-coding RNA using base pairing probability vectors in quadratic time.
Bioinformatics 22, 1593-1599 (2006)
- Gräf S, Teune J-H, Strothmann D, Kurtz S, Steger, G
A computational approach to search for non-coding RNAs in large genomic data.
In Nellen, W. & Hammann, C. (Hrsg.), Small RNAs: Analysis and Regulatory functions., Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology Series, Band 17. Springer Verlag , 74-75 (2006)
- Hänel K, Stangler T, Stoldt M, Willbold D
Solution structure of the X4 protein coded by the SARS related coronavirus reveals an immunoglobulin like fold and suggests a binding activity to integrin I domains.
J. Biomed. Sci. 13, 281-293 (2006)
- Hörnlimann B, Schulz-Schaeffer W, Oberthür R, Müller H & Riesner D
Chemicaldisinfection and inactivation of prions.
In: Prions and prion diseases. Edited by Hörnlimann B, Riesner D & Kretzschmar H. Berlin New York: Walter de Gruyter. , 505-515 (2006)
- Kolonko N, Bannach O, Aschermann K, Hu KH, Moors M, Schmitz M, Steger G, Riesner, D
Transcription of potato spindle tuber viroid by RNA polymerase II starts in the left terminal loop.
Virology 347, 392-404 (2006)
- Lemaitre V, Wray V, Willbold D, Watts A, Fischer WB
Full length Vpu from HIV-1: Combining molecular dynamics simulations with NMR spectroscopy.
J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 23, 485-496 (2006)
- Marszalkowski M, Teune J-H, Steger G, Hartmann RK, Willkomm, DK
Thermostable RNase P RNAs lacking P18 identified in the Aquificales.
RNA 12, 1915-1921 (2006)
- Müller H, Stitz L & Riesner D:
Risk assessment for fat derivatives in case of contamination with BSE.
Eur J Lipid Sci Technol. 108, 812-826 (2006)
- Oberthür R, Müller H & Riesner D
Thermal inactivation of prions.
In: Prions and prion diseases. Edited by Hörnlimann B, Riesner D & Kretzschmar H. Berlin New York: Walter deGruyter. , 516-526 (2006)
- Psurek A, Feuerstein S, Willbold D, Scriba GKE
Effects of the secondary structure of amphiphilic a-helical peptides on separation selectivity in nonaqueous compared to aqueous capillary electrophoresis.
Electrophoresis 27, 1868-1775 (2006)
- Riesner, D, Birkmann E, Dumpitak C, Elfrink K, Kellings K, Leffers K-W, Nagel-Steger L, Stöhr J
PrP-Fibrillen und Infektiosität
Nova Acta Leopoldina 347, 61-77 (2006)
- Schmitz A, Riesner D
Purification of nucleic acids by selective precipitation with polyethylene glycol 6000.
Anal Biochem. 354, 311-313 (2006)
- Schwarzinger S, Willbold D, Ziegler J
Structural Studies of Prion Proteins.
in 'Prions and prion diseases', B. Hörnlimann, D. Riesner, H. Kretzschmer,eds. de Gruyter, Berlin , (2006)
- Stangler T, Hartmann R, Willbold D, Koenig BW
Modern high resolution NMR for the study of structure, dynamics and interactions of biological macromolecules.
Z. Phys. Chem. 220, 567-613 (2006)
- Wagner R
Protein-Nucleinsäure Wechselwirkungen.
in Bioanalytik, Lottspeich, F. and Engels, J. W., Spektrum-Akademischer Verlag , (2006)
- Wilm A, Mainz I, Steger G
An enhanced RNA alignment benchmark for sequence alignment programs.
Algorithms Mol Biol 1, 19 (2006)