Publications in 2020
- Agerschou ED, Borgmann V, Wördehoff MM, Hoyer W
Inhibitor and substrate cooperate to inhibit amyloid fibril elongation of α-synuclein
Chem. Sci. 11, 11331-11337 (2020)
- Bernis ME and Tamgüney G
Bioluminescence imaging of neuroinflammation in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease
Methods Mol Biol 2081, 147-159 (2020)
- Dobner J, Simons IM, Rufinatscha K, Hänsch S, Schwarten M, Weiergräber OH, Abdollahzadeh I, Gensch T, Bode JG, Hoffmann S, Willbold D.
Deficiency of GABARAP but Not Its Paralogs Causes Enhanced EGF-induced EGFR Degradation
Cells 9, 1296 (2020)
- Elfgen A, Santiago-Schübel B, Hupert M, Schemmert S, Schartmann E, Tusche M, Gering I, Zafiu C, Kutzsche J.
Oral absorption enhancement of the amyloid-β oligomer eliminating compound RD2 by conjugation with folic acid
Eur J Pharm Sci. , (2020)
- Kutzsche J, Jürgens D, Willuweit A, Adermann K, Fuchs C, Simons S, Windisch M, Hümpel M, Rossberg W, Wolzt M, Willbold D.
Safety and Pharmacokinetics of the Orally Available Antiprionic Compound PRI-002: A Single and Multiple Ascending Dose Phase I Study
Alzheimers Dement (N Y) , 20;6(1):e12001 (2020)
- Maity D, Kumar S, AlHussein R, Gremer L, Howarth M, Karpauskaite L, Hoyer W, Magzoubd M, Hamilton AD
Sub-stoichiometric inhibition of IAPP aggregation: a peptidomimetic approach to antiamyloid agents
RSC Chem. Biol. 1, 225-232 (2020)
- Matoušek J, Steinbachová L, Záveská Drábková L, Kocábek T, Potěšil D, Mishra KA, Honys D, Steger G
Elimination of Viroids from Tobacco Pollen Involves a Decrease in Propagation Rate and an Increase of the Degradation Processes
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21, 3029 (2020)
Special Issue "Molecular Mechanisms of Viroids and Viroid Diseases"
- Patricia Rodríguez-Maciá, Lisa M. Galle, Ragnar Bjornsson, Christian Lorent, Ingo Zebger, Yoshitaka Yoda, Stephen P. Cramer, Serena DeBeer, Ingrid Span and James A. Birrell
Caught in the Hinact: Crystal Structure and Spectroscopy Reveal a Sulfur Bound to the Active Site of an O2-stable State of [FeFe] Hydrogenase
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59, 2-11 (2020)
- Röder C, Kupreichyk T, Gremer L, Schäfer LU, Pothula KR, Ravelli RBG, Willbold D, Hoyer W, Schröder GF
Cryo-EM structure of islet amyloid polypeptide fibrils reveals similarities with amyloid-β fibrils
Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 27, 660-667 (2020)
- Rosenbach H, Victor J, Borggräfe J, Biehl R, Steger G, Etzkorn M, Span I.
Expanding crystallization tools for nucleic acid complexes using U1A protein variants
Journal of Structural Biology 210, 107480 (2020)
- Rosenbach H, Victor J, Etzkorn M, Steger G, Riesner D, Span I
Molecular Features and Metal Ions that Influence 10-23 DNAzyme Activity
Molecules 25, 3100 (2020)
Special Issue "Advances in Catalytic DNA"
- Rösener NS, Gremer L, Wördehoff MM, Kupreichyk T, Etzkorn M, Neudecker P, Hoyer W
Clustering of human prion protein and α-synuclein oligomers requires the prion protein Nterminus
Commun. Biol. 3, 365 (2020)
- Sanwald JL, Dobner J, Simons IM, Poschmann G, Stühler K, Üffing A, Hoffmann S, Willbold D
Lack of GABARAP-Type Proteins Is Accompanied by Altered Golgi Morphology and Surfaceome Composition
Int J Mol Sci 22(1), 85 (2020)
- Sanwald JL, Poschmann G, Stühler K, Behrends C, Hoffmanns S, Willbold D.
The GABARAP Co-Secretome Identified by APEX2-GABARAP Proximity Labelling of Extracellular Vesicles
Cells 9, 1468 (2020)
- Shrestha A, Mishra AK, Matoušek J, Steinbachová L, Potěšil D, Nath VS, Awasthi P, Kocábek T, Jakse J, Drábková LZ, Zdráhal Z, Honys D, Steger G
Integrated Proteo-Transcriptomic Analyses Reveal Insights into Regulation of Pollen Development Stages and Dynamics of Cellular Response to Apple Fruit Crinkle Viroid (AFCVd)-Infection in Nicotiana tabacum
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21, 8700 (2020)
Special Issue "Molecular Mechanisms of Viroids and Viroid Diseases"
- Stadler AM, Granzin J, Cousin A, Batra-Safferling R.
Phosphorylated peptide of G protein-coupled receptor induces dimerization in activated arrestin.
Scientific Reports 10, 10938 (2020)
- Viegas A, Dollinger P, Verma N, Kubiak J, Viennet T, Seidel CAM, Gohlke H, Etzkorn M, Kovacic F, Jaeger KE
Structural and dynamic insights revealing how lipase binding domain MD1 of Pseudomonas aeruginosa foldase affects lipase activation
Sci Rep 10, 3578 (2020)
- Viegas A, Yin DM, Borggräfe J, Viennet T, Falke M, Schmitz A, Famulok M, Etzkorn M
Molecular Architecture of a Network of Potential Intracellular EGFR Modulators: ARNO, CaM, Phospholipids, and the Juxtamembrane Segment
Structure 28, 1-9 (2020)