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Publications in 2010

  • Bartnik D, Funke SA, Andrei-Selmer L-C, Bacher M, Dodel R, Willbold D 
    Differently selected D-enantiomeric peptides act on different Aß species. 
    Rejuvenation Res. 13, 202-205 (2010) 
  • Batra-Safferling R, Granzin J, Moedder S, Hoffmann S, Willbold D 
    Structural studies of PI3K SH3 domain in complex with a peptide ligand: Role of anchor residue in ligand binding. 
    Biol. Chem. 391, 33-42 (2010) 
  • Bauer MS, Strodel B, Fejer SN, Koslover EF, Wales DJ 
    Interpolation Schemes for Peptide Rearrangements. 
    J. Chem. Phys. 132, (2010) 
  • Diermann N, Matousek J, Junge M, Riesner D, Steger G 
    Characterization of plant miRNAs and small RNAs derived from potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) in infected tomato  
    Biol Chem 391, 1379-1390 (2010) 
  • Funke SA, van Groen T, Kadish I, Bartnik D, Nagel-Steger L, Brener O, Sehl T, Batra-Safferling R, Moriscot C, Schoehn G, Horn AHC, Müller-Schiffmann A, Korth C, Sticht H, Willbold D 
    Oral Treatment with the D-Enantiomeric Peptide D3 Improves Pathology and Behavior of Alzheimer’s disease Transgenic Mice 
    ACS Chem. Neurosci. 1, 639-648 (2010) 
    Highlighted in: Chemical & Engineering News, 88(33), August 16, 2010 
  • Funke SA, Wang L, Birkmann E, Willbold D 
    Single particle detection system for Aß: Adaptation of surface-FIDA to laser scanning microscopy. 
    Rejuvenation Res. 13, 206-209 (2010) 
  • Galkin VE, Orlova A, Schröder GF, Egelman EH 
    Structural Polymorphism in F-actin 
    Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. , (2010) 
  • Geißen, R, Steuten, B, Polen, T and Wagner, R 
    E. coli 6S RNA - a universal transcriptional regulator within the centre of growth adaptation. 
    RNA Biol. 7, (2010) 
  • Giuliodori AM, Di Pietro F, Marzi S, Masquida B, Wagner R, Romby P, Gualerzi CO and Pon CL 
    The cspA mRNA is a thermosensor that modulates translation of the cold-shock protein CspA. 
    Mol. Cell 37, 21-33 (2010) 
  • Glück JM, Hoffmann S, Koenig BW, Willbold D 
    Single Vector System for Efficient N-myristoylation of Recombinant Proteins in E. coli 
    PLoS ONE 5, e10081 (2010) 
    full text open access  
    The plasmids in this publication can be received via https://www.addgene.org/Dieter_Willbold/ 
  • Hoffmann S, Funke SA, Wiesehan K, Moedder S, Glück JM, Feuerstein S, Gerdts M, Moetter J, Willbold D 
    Competitively selected protein ligands pay theirs increase in specificity by a decrease in affinity. 
    Mol. BioSyst 6, 116-123 (2010) 
  • Klenin K, Strodel B, Wales DJ, Wenzel W 
    Modelling Proteins: Conformational Sampling and Reconstruction of Folding Kinetics 
    BBA-Proteins and Proteomics, in press , (2010) 
  • Kumar A, Heise H, Blommers MJJ, Krastel P, Schmitt E, Petersen F, Mandelkow EM, Carlomagno T, Griesinger C, Baldus M 
    Interaction of Epothilone B (Patupilone) with Microtubules, as Detected by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy 
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 49, 7504-7507 (2010) 
  • Liu HM, Funke SA, Willbold D 
    Transport of Alzheimer's disease amyloid-ß peptide binding D-amino acid peptides across a blood-brain barrier in vitro model. 
    Rejuvenation Res. 13, 210-213 (2010) 
  • Luers L, Panza G, Henke F, Aygenim T, Weiß J, Willbold D, Birkmann E 
    Amyloid formation: Age-related mechanism in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease? 
    Rejuvenation Res. 13, 214-216 (2010) 
  • Luheshi LM, Hoyer W, de Barros TP, van Dijk-Härd I, Brorsson AC, Macao B, Persson C, Crowther DC, Lomas DA, Ståhl S, Dobson CM, Härd T 
    Sequestration of the Abeta peptide prevents toxicity and promotes degradation in vivo 
    PLoS Biol. 8, e1000334 (2010) 
  • Ma P, Mohrlüder J, Schwarten M, Stoldt M, Singh SK, Hartmann R, Pacheco V, Willbold D 
    Preparation of a functional GABARAP-lipid conjugate in nanodiscs and its investigation by solution NMR spectroscopy 
    Chembiochem 11, 1967-1970 (2010) 
  • Merdanovic M, Mamant N, Meltzer M, Poepsel S, Auckenthaler A, Melgaard R, Hauske P, Nagel-Steger L, Clarke AR, Kaiser M, Huber R, Ehrmann M 
    Determinants of structural and functional plasticity of a widely conserved protease chaperone complex. 
    Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 17, 837-843 (2010) 
  • Mötter J 
    Identifizierung von Interaktionspartnern für HIV-1 Nef und ihre potentielle Relevanz bei der Entwicklung der HIV-assoziierten Demenz 
    Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich Reihe Gesundheit, Band 19, (2010) 
  • Müller-Schiffmann A, März-Berberich J, Andrjevna A, Rönicke R, Bartnik D, Brener O, Kutzsche J, Horn AHC, Hellmert M, Polkowska J, Gottmann K, Reymann K, Funke SA, Nagel-Steger L, Moriscot C, Schoehn G, Sticht H, Willbold D, Schrader T, Korth C 
    Combining independent drug classes into superior, synergistically acting hybrid molecules. 
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 49, 8743-8746 (2010) 
  • Nagel-Steger L, Demeler B, Meyer-Zaika W, Hochdörffer K, Schrader T, Willbold D 
    Modulation of aggregate size- and shape-distributions of the amyloid-beta peptide by a designed ß-sheet breaker. 
    Eur. Biophys. J. 39, 415-422 (2010) 
  • Neußer T, Polen T, Geißen R and Wagner R 
    Depletion of the non-coding regulatory 6S RNA in E. coli causes a surprising reduction in the expression of the translation machinery. 
    BMC Genomics 11, 165-179 (2010) 
  • Pacheco V, Ma P, Thielmann Y, Hartmann R, Weiergräber OH, Mohrlüder J, Willbold D 
    Assessment of GABARAP self-association by its diffusion properties 
    J Biomol NMR 48, 49-58 (2010) 
  • Panza G, Dumpitak C, Birkmann E 
    Amyloid formation: Influence of the Maillard Reaction to Prion Protein Aggregation. 
    Rejuvenation Res. 13, 220-223 (2010) 
  • Panza G, Luers L, Stöhr J, Nagel-Steger L, Weiβ J, Riesner D, Willbold D, Birkmann E 
    Molecular interactions between prions as seeds and recombinant prion proteins as substrates resemble the biological interspecies barrier in vitro. 
    PLoS ONE 5, e14283 (2010) 
  • Pul U, Wurm R, Arslan Z, Geißen R, Hofmann N and Wagner R 
    Identification and Characterization of E. coli CRISPR-cas Promoters and their Silencing by H-NS. 
    Mol. Microbiol 75, 1495-1512 (2010) 
  • Schröder GF, Levitt M, Brunger AT 
    Super-resolution biomolecular crystallography with low-resolution data 
    Nature 464, 1218-1222 (2010) 
  • Schünke S, Lecher J, Stoldt M, Kaupp UB, Willbold D 
    Resonance assignments of the nucleotide-free wildtype MloK1 cyclic nucleotide-binding domain. 
    Biomol. NMR Assign. 4, 147-150 (2010) 
  • Schwarten M, Stoldt M, Mohrlüder J, Willbold D 
    Solution structure of Atg8 reveals conformational polymorphism of the N-terminal domain 
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun 395, 426-431 (2010) 
  • Smits SHJ, Meyer T, Mueller A, van Os N, Stoldt M, Willbold D, Schmitt L, Grieshaber MK 
    Insights into the Mechanism of Ligand Binding to Octopine Dehydrogenase from Pecten maximus by NMR and Crystallography 
    PLoS ONE 5, e12312 (2010) 
  • Strodel B, Lee JWL, Whittleston CS, Wales DJ 
    Transmembrane structures for Alzheimer's Aβ1-42 oligomers. 
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. , (2010) 
  • Teune, J-H, Steger G 
    novoMIR: de novo prediction of microRNA-coding regions in a single plant genome. 
    J. Nucleic Acids 2010, (2010) 
  • Westra E R, Pul U, Heidrich N, Jore M M, Lundgren M, Stratmann T, Wurm R, Raine A, Mescher M, van Heereveld L, Mastop M, Wagner E G H, Schnetz K, van der Oost J, Wagner R and Brouns S J J 
    H-NS mediated repression of CRISPR-based immunity in Escherichia coli K12 can be relieved by the transcription activator LeuO. 
    Mol. Microbiol. 77, 1380-1393 (2010) 
    Highlighted in: Mol Microbiol. 2010 Sep;77(6):1341-5 
  • Wittlich M, Thiagarajan P, Koenig BW, Hartmann R, Willbold D 
    NMR structure of the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of human CD4 in micelles. 
    Biochim Biophys Acta 1798, 122-127 (2010) 
  • Wurm R , Neußer T, Wagner R 
    6S RNA-dependent inhibition of RNA polymerase is released by RNA-dependent synthesis of small de novo products. 
    Biol. Chem. 39, 187-196 (2010) 
  • Zhang J, Baker ML, Schröder GF, Douglas NR, Reissmann S, Jakana J, Dougherty M, Fu CJ, Levitt M, Ludtke SJ, Frydman J, Chiu W 
    Mechanism of folding chamber closure in a group II chaperonin 
    Nature 463, 379-383 (2010) 
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