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  • Kutzsche J, Schemmert S, Bujnicki T, Zafiu C, Halbgebauer S, Kraemer-Schulien V, Pils M, Blömeke L, Post J, Kulawik A, Jürgens D, Rossberg WM, Hümpel M, Bannach O, Otto M, Araujo JA, Willuweit A, Willbold D. 
    Oral treatment with the all-d-peptide RD2 enhances cognition in aged beagle dogs - A model of sporadic Alzheimer's disease  
    Heliyon 29;9(8):e18443, (2023) 
  • Pils M, Dybala A, Rehn F, Blömeke L, Bujnicki T, Kraemer-Schulien V, Hoyer W, Riesner D, Willbold D, Bannach O 
    Development and implementation of an internal quality control sample to standardize oligomer-based diagnostics of Alzheimer's disease 
    Diagnostics 13, 1702 (2023) 
  • Kass B, Schemmert S, Zafiu C, Pils M, Bannach O, Kutzsche J, Bujnicki T, Willbold D. 
    Aβ oligomer concentration in mouse and human brain and its drug-induced reduction ex vivo. 
    Cell Rep Med. 3(5):100630, (2022) 
  • Schemmert S, Schartmann E, Zafiu C, Kass B, Hartwig S, Lehr S, Bannach O, Langen KJ, Shah NJ, Kutzsche J, Willuweit A, Willbold D. 
    Aβ Oligomer Elimination Restores Cognition in Transgenic Alzheimer's Mice with Full-blown Pathology. 
    Mol Neurobiol. 56(3):, 2211-2223 (2019) 
  • Herrmann Y, Bujnicki T, Zafiu C, Kulawik A, Kühbach K, Peters L, Fabig J, Willbold J, Bannach O, Willbold D. 
    Nanoparticle standards for immuno-based quantitation of α-synuclein oligomers in diagnostics of Parkinson's disease and other synucleinopathies. 
    Clin Chim Acta 466, 152–159 (2017) 
  • Herrmann Y, Kulawik A, Kühbach K, Hülsemann M, Peters L, Bujnicki T, Kravchenko K, Linnartz C, Willbold J, Zafiu C, Bannach O, Willbold D. 
    sFIDA automation yields sub-femtomolar limit of detection for Aβ aggregates in body liquids. 
    Clinical Biochem. 50(4-5), 244-247 (2017) 
  • Kravchenko K, Kulawik A, Hülsemann M, Kühbach K, Zafiu C, Herrmann Y, Linnartz C, Peters L, Bujnicki T, Willbold J, Bannach O, Willbold D.  
    Analysis of anticoagulants for blood-based quantitation of amyloid β oligomers in the sFIDA assay. 
    Biol. Chem. 398(4), 465-475 (2017) 
  • Kühbach K, Hülsemann M, Herrmann Y, Kravchenko K, Kulawik A, Linnartz C, Peters L, Wang K, Willbold J, Willbold D, Bannach O.  
    Application of an amyloid beta oligomer standard in the sFIDA assay. 
    In: Biomarkers of Alzheimer's Disease: The Present and the Future. Eds. Sylvain Lehmann, Charlotte Elisabeth Teunissen. , 39-44 (2017) 
    ISBN 9782889450411  
  • Hülsemann M, Zafiu C, Kühbach K, Lühmann N, Herrmann Y, Peters L, Linnartz C, Willbold J, Kravchenko K, Kulawik A, Willbold S, Bannach O, Willbold D.  
    Biofunctionalized Silica Nanoparticles: Standards in Amyloid-β Oligomer-Based Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease. 
    J. Alzheimers Dis. 54, 79-88 (2016) 
  • Kühbach K, Hülsemann M, Herrmann Y, Kravchenko K, Kulawik A, Linnartz C, Peters L, Wang K, Willbold J, Willbold D, Bannach O. 
    Application of an Amyloid Beta Oligomer Standard in the sFIDA Assay 
    Front. Neurosci. 10:8, (2016) 
  • Wördehoff MM, Bannach O, Shaykhalishahi H, Kulawik A, Schiefer S, Willbold D, Hoyer W, Birkmann E 
    Single fibril growth kinetics of alpha-synuclein. 
    J. Mol. Biol. 427, 1428-1435 (2015) 
  • Bannach O, Reinartz E, Henke F, Dreßen F, Oelschlegel A, Kaatz M, Groschup M H, Willbold D, Riesner D and Birkmann E 
    Analysis of prion protein aggregates in blood and brain from pre-clinical and clinical BSE cases 
    Vet Microbiol 166, 102-108 (2013) 
  • Bannach O, Riesner D 
    Prions Overview 
    In: The Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry. William J. Lennarz, M. Daniel Lane (eds.), Elsevier Inc. 3, 571-575 (2013) 
  • Wang-Dietrich L, Funke SA, Kühbach K, Wang K, Besmehn A, Willbold S, Cinar Y, Bannach O, Birkmann E, Willbold D 
    The Aβ oligomer count in CSF is a biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease. 
    J. Alzheimers Dis. 34, 985-994 (2013) 
  • Bannach O, Birkmann E, Reinartz E, Jaeger K-E, Langeveld JP, Rohwer RG, Gregory L, Terry LA, Willbold D, Riesner D 
    Detection of Prion Protein Particles in Blood Plasma of Scrapie Infected Sheep 
    PLoS ONE 7, e36620 (2012) 
    full text open access  
  • Hübinger S, Bannach O, Funke SA, Willbold D, Birkmann E 
    Detection of alpha-synuclein aggregates by fluorescence microscopy 
    Rejuvenation Res. 15, 213-216 (2012) 
  • Birkmann E, Henke F, Funke SA, Bannach O, Riesner D, Willbold D 
    A highly sensitive diagnsotic assay for aggregate-related diseases e.g. prion disease and Alzheimer's disease. 
    Rejuvenation Res. 11, 359-363 (2008)