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  • Steger G, Riesner D, Prusiner SB 
    Viroids, Satellite RNAs and Prions: Folding of Nucleic Acids and Misfolding of Proteins 
    Viruses 16, 360 (2024) 
  • Matoušek J, Wüsthoff KP, Steger G 
    “Pathomorphogenic” Changes Caused by Citrus Bark Cracking Viroid and Transcription Factor TFIIIA-7ZF Variants Support Viroid Propagation in Tobacco 
    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24, 7790 (2023) 
  • Steger G, Riesner, D 
    Contributions of viroid research to methods for RNA purification, diagnostics, and secondary structure prediction. 
    Fundamentals of viroid biology (Adkar-Purushothama CR, Sano T, Perreault J-P, Yanjarappa SM, Di Serio F, Daròs J.-A, eds) Academic Press, Elsevier , 394–446 (2023) 
  • Steger G, Wüsthoff KP, Matoušek J, Riesner D 
    Viroids: non-coding circular RNAs are tiny pathogens provoking a broad response in host plants. 
    RNA Structure and Function, RNA Technologies 14 (Barciszewski J, ed.) Springer , 295–309 (2023) 
  • Bartl, J. and Zanini, M. and Bernardi, F. and Forget, A. and Blümel, L. and Talbot, J. and Picard D, Qin N, Cancila G, Gao Q, Nath S, Koumba IM, Wolter M, Kuonen F, Langini M, Beez, T, Munoz C, Pauck D, Marquardt V, Yu H, Souphron J, Korsch M, Mölders C, Berger D, Göbbels S, Meyer FD, Scheffler B, Rotblat B, Diederichs S, Ramaswamy V, Suzuki H, Oro A, Stühler K, Stefanski A, Fischer U, Leprivier G, Willbold D, Steger G, Buell A, Kool M, Lichter P, Pfister SM, Northcott PA, Taylor MD, Borkhardt A, Reifenberger G, Ayrault O, Remke M 
    The HHIP-AS1 lncRNA promotes tumorigenicity through stabilization of dynein complex 1 in human SHH-driven tumors. 
    Nat. Commun . 13, 4061 (2022) 
  • Borggräfe J, Victor J, Rosenbach H, Viegas A, Gertzen CGW, Wuebben C, Kovacs H, Gopalswamy M, Riesner D, Steger G, Schiemann O, Gohlke H, Span I, Etzkorn M  
    Time-resolved structural analysis of an RNA-cleaving DNA catalyst. 
    Nature 601, 144-149 (2022) 
  • Matoušek J, Steger G 
    The Splicing Variant TFIIIA-7ZF of Viroid-Modulated Transcription Factor IIIA Causes Physiological Irregularities in Transgenic Tobacco and Transient Somatic Depression of “Degradome” Characteristic for Developing Pollen. 
    Cells 11, (2022) 
  • Rosenbach H, Steger G 
    Fluorescence-Based Kinetic Measurements for RNA-Cleaving DNAzymes 
    Methods in Molecular Biology 2439, 65-77 (2022) 
  • Steger G 
    Predicting the Structure of a Viroid: Structure, Structure Distribution, Consensus Structure, and Structure Drawing 
    Methods in Molecular Biology 2316, 331-371 (2022) 
  • Steger G, Rosenbach H, Span I (Eds) 
    Methods in Molecular Biology 2439, (2022) 
  • Steger G, Victor J 
    Design of a DNAzyme 
    Methods in Molecular Biology 2439, 47-63 (2022) 
  • Wüsthoff K, Steger G 
    Conserved Motifs and Domains in Members of Pospiviroidae 
    Cells 11, 230 (2022) 
  • Rosenbach H, Borggräfe J, Victor J, Wuebben C, Schiemann O, Hoyer W, Steger G, Etzkorn M, Span I 
    Influence of monovalent metal ions on metal binding and catalytic activity of the 10–23 DNAzyme 
    Biological Chemistry 402, 99-111 (2021) 
  • Steger G 
    Predicting the Structure of a Viroid 
    Methods in Molecular Biology 2316, 331-371 (2021) 
  • Steinbachová L, Matoušek J, Steger G, Matoušková H, Radišek S, Honys D 
    Transformation of Seed Non-Transmissible Hop Viroids in Nicotiana benthamiana Causes Distortions in Male Gametophyte Development 
    Plants 10, 2398 (2021) 
  • Matoušek J, Steinbachová L, Záveská Drábková L, Kocábek T, Potěšil D, Mishra KA, Honys D, Steger G 
    Elimination of Viroids from Tobacco Pollen Involves a Decrease in Propagation Rate and an Increase of the Degradation Processes 
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21, 3029 (2020) 
    Special Issue "Molecular Mechanisms of Viroids and Viroid Diseases" 
  • Rosenbach H, Victor J, Borggräfe J, Biehl R, Steger G, Etzkorn M, Span I. 
    Expanding crystallization tools for nucleic acid complexes using U1A protein variants 
    Journal of Structural Biology 210, 107480 (2020) 
  • Rosenbach H, Victor J, Etzkorn M, Steger G, Riesner D, Span I 
    Molecular Features and Metal Ions that Influence 10-23 DNAzyme Activity 
    Molecules 25, 3100 (2020) 
    Special Issue "Advances in Catalytic DNA" 
  • Shrestha A, Mishra AK, Matoušek J, Steinbachová L, Potěšil D, Nath VS, Awasthi P, Kocábek T, Jakse J, Drábková LZ, Zdráhal Z, Honys D, Steger G 
    Integrated Proteo-Transcriptomic Analyses Reveal Insights into Regulation of Pollen Development Stages and Dynamics of Cellular Response to Apple Fruit Crinkle Viroid (AFCVd)-Infection in Nicotiana tabacum 
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21, 8700 (2020) 
    Special Issue "Molecular Mechanisms of Viroids and Viroid Diseases" 
  • Steger, G, Riesner, D 
    Viroid research and its significance for RNA technology and basic biochemistry. 
    Nucleic Acids Res. 46, 10563-10576 (2018) 
  • Brass JRJ, Owens RA, Matoušek J, Steger G 
    Viroid quasispecies revealed by deep sequencing 
    RNA Biology 14, 317-325 (2017) 
  • Matoušek J, Siglová K, Jakše J, Radišek S, Brass JR, Tsushima T, Guček T, Duraisamy GS, Sano T, Steger G 
    Propagation and some physiological effects of Citrus bark cracking viroid and Apple fruit crinkle viroid in multiple infected hop (Humulus lupulus L.) 
    J. Plant Physiol. 213, 166-177 (2017) 
  • Steger G 
    Modelling the three-dimensional structure of the right-terminal domain of pospiviroids. 
    Sci. Rep. 7, 711 (2017) 
  • Steger G, Riesner D, Maurel M-C, Perreault J-P 
    Viroid structure 
    In Viroids and Satellites; Hadidi A, Flores, R, Randles JW, Palukaitis P (eds), Oxford: Academic Press , 63-70 (2017) 
  • Victor J, Steger G, Riesner D 
    Inability of DNAzymes to cleave RNA in vivo is due to limited Mg2+ concentration in cells 
    Eur Biophys J 47, 333-343 (2017) 
  • Steger G, Perreault JP 
    Structure and associated biological functions of viroids 
    Adv. Virus Res. 94, 141-172 (2016) 
  • Týcová A, Piernikarczyk RJJ, Kugler M, Lipovová P, Podzimek T, Steger G, Matoušek J 
    A 5'P degradation hot spot influences molecular farming of anticancerogenic nuclease TBN1 in tobacco cells. 
    Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult 127, 347-358 (2016) 
  • Matousek J, Piernikarczyk RJJ, Týcová A, Duraisamy GS, Kocábek T, Steger G 
    Expression of SANT/HTH Myb mRNA, a plant morphogenesis-regulating transcription factor, changes due to viroid infection 
    Journal of Plant Physiology 183, 85-94 (2015) 
  • Matousek J, Piernikarczyk RJJ, Dědič P, Mertelík J, Uhlířová K, Duraisamy GS, Orctová L, Kloudová K, Ptáček J, Steger G 
    Characterization of Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) incidence and new variants from ornamentals 
    Europ J Plant Path 138, 93-101 (2014) 
  • Patra D, Fasold M, Langenberger D, Steger G, Grosse I, Stadler, PF 
    plantDARIO: web based quantitative and qualitative analysis of small RNA-seq data in plants 
    Frontiers in Plant Science 5, (2014) 
  • Riesner D, Steger G 
    Temperature-gradient gel-electrophoresis. 
    In Bindereif, A., Hartmann, R., Schön, A. & Westhof, E. (eds), Handbook of RNA Biochemistry, Part II, 2nd edition, Wiley-VCH , 427-444 (2014) 
  • Steger G 
    Secondary Structure Prediction. 
    In Bindereif, A., Hartmann, R., Schön, A. & Westhof, E. (eds), Handbook of RNA Biochemistry, Part III, 2nd edition, Wiley-VCH , 547-578 (2014) 
  • Reinauer C, Censarek P, Kaber G, Weber AA, Steger G, Klamp T, Schrör K 
    Expression and translation of the COX-1b gene in human cells--no evidence of generation of COX-1b protein 
    Biol Chem 394, 753-760 (2013) 
  • Steger G, Giegerich R 
    RNA structure prediction 
    in "RNA Structure and Folding: Biophysical Techniques and Prediction Methods" (Klostermeier D, Hammann C) de Gruyter, 335-362 (2013) 
  • Aigner K, Dreßen F, Steger G 
    Methods for Predicting RNA Secondary Structure 
    In "Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology: RNA 3D Structure Analysis and Prediction" (Leontis N, Westhof E) 27, 19-42 (2012) 
  • Hammann C, Steger G 
    Viroid-specific small RNA in plant disease 
    RNA Biology 9, 809-819 (2012) 
  • Matousek J, Riesner D, Steger G 
    Viroids: the smallest known infectious agents cause accumulation of viroid-specific small RNAs 
    In "From Nucleic Acids Sequences to Molecular Medicine" (Erdmann VA, Barciszewski J) Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg IX, 629-644 (2012) 
  • Matousek J, Stehlík J, Procházková J, Orctová L, Wullenweber J, Füssy Z, Kovácik J, Duraisamy GS, Ziegler A, Schubert J, Steger G 
    Biological and molecular analysis of the pathogenic variant C3 of potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) evolved during adaptation to chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) 
    Biol Chem 393, 605-615 (2012) 
  • Ziegler A, Matousek J, Steger G, Schubert J 
    Complete sequence of a cryptic virus from hemp (Cannabis sativa) 
    Arch. Virol. 157, 383-385 (2012) 
  • Bajaj P, Steger G, Hammann C 
    Sequence elements outside the catalytic core of natural hairpin ribozymes modulate the reactions differentially 
    Biol. Chem. 392, 593-600 (2011) 
  • Janssen S, Schudoma C, Steger G, Giegerich R 
    Lost in folding space? Comparing four variants of the thermodynamic model for RNA secondary structure prediction. 
    BMC Bioinformatics 12, 429 (2011) 
  • Seehafer C, Kalweit A, Steger G, Gräf S, Hammann C 
    From alpaca to zebrafish: hammerhead ribozymes wherever you look 
    RNA 17, 21-26 (2011) 
  • Diermann N, Matousek J, Junge M, Riesner D, Steger G 
    Characterization of plant miRNAs and small RNAs derived from potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) in infected tomato  
    Biol Chem 391, 1379-1390 (2010) 
  • Teune, J-H, Steger G 
    novoMIR: de novo prediction of microRNA-coding regions in a single plant genome. 
    J. Nucleic Acids 2010, (2010) 
  • Brown JW, Birmingham A, Griffiths PE, Jossinet F, Kachouri-Lafond R, Knight R, Lang BF, Leontis N, Steger G, Stombaugh J, Westhof E 
    The RNA structure alignment ontology.  
    RNA 15, 1623-1631 (2009) 
  • Fu Y, Bannach O, Chen H, Teune JH, Schmitz A, Steger G, Xiong L, Barbazuk WB 
    Alternative Splicing of Anciently Exonized 5S rRNA Regulates Plant Transcription Factor TFIIIA. 
    Genome Research 19, 913-21 (2009) 
  • Matoušsek J, Orctová L, ŠSkopek J, Pesšina K, Steger G 
    Elimination of hop latent viroid upon developmental activation of pollen nucleases. 
    Biol. Chem. 389, 905-918 (2008) 
  • Wilm A, Linnenbrink K, Steger G 
    ConStruct: improved construction of RNA consensus structures 
    BMC Bioinformatics 9, 219 (2008) 
  • Censarek P, Steger G, Paolini C, Hohlfeld T, Grosser T, Zimmermann N, Fleckenstein D, Schrör K, Weber A-A 
    Alternative splicing of platelet cyclooxygenase-2 mRNA in patients after coronary artery bypass grafting 
    Thrombosis and Haemostasis 98, 1309-1315 (2007) 
  • Matoušek J, Kozlová P, Orctová L, Schmitz A, Pesina K, Bannach O, Diermann N, Steger G, Riesner D 
    Accumulation of viroid-specific small RNAs and increase in nucleolytic activities linked to viroid-caused pathogenesis. 
    Biol. Chem. 388, 1-13 (2007) 
  • Matoušek J, Orctová L, Ptácek J, Patzak J, Dedic P, Steger G, Riesner D 
    Experimental transmission of Pospiviroid populations to weed species characteristic for potato and hop fields. 
    J. Virol. 81, 11891-11899 (2007) 
  • Schmitz M, Steger G 
    Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd). 
    Plant viruses. 1, 106-115 (2007) 
  • Dalli D, Wilm A, Mainz I, Steger, G 
    STRAL: Progressive alignment of non-coding RNA using base pairing probability vectors in quadratic time. 
    Bioinformatics 22, 1593-1599 (2006) 
  • Gräf S, Teune J-H, Strothmann D, Kurtz S, Steger, G 
    A computational approach to search for non-coding RNAs in large genomic data. 
    In Nellen, W. & Hammann, C. (Hrsg.), Small RNAs: Analysis and Regulatory functions., Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology Series, Band 17. Springer Verlag , 74-75 (2006) 
  • Kolonko N, Bannach O, Aschermann K, Hu KH, Moors M, Schmitz M, Steger G, Riesner, D 
    Transcription of potato spindle tuber viroid by RNA polymerase II starts in the left terminal loop. 
    Virology 347, 392-404 (2006) 
  • Marszalkowski M, Teune J-H, Steger G, Hartmann RK, Willkomm, DK 
    Thermostable RNase P RNAs lacking P18 identified in the Aquificales. 
    RNA 12, 1915-1921 (2006) 
  • Wilm A, Mainz I, Steger G 
    An enhanced RNA alignment benchmark for sequence alignment programs. 
    Algorithms Mol Biol 1, 19 (2006) 
  • Gardner PP, Wilm A, Washietl, S 
    A benchmark of multiple sequence alignment programs upon structural RNAs. 
    Nucleic Acids Res. 33, 2433-2439 (2005) 
  • Gräf S, Przybilski R, Steger G, Hammann C 
    A database search for hammerhead ribozyme motifs. 
    Biochem. Soc. Trans. 33, 477-478 (2005) 
  • Przybilski R, Gräf S, Lescoute A, Nellen W, Westhof E, Steger G, Hammann, C 
    Functional hammerhead ribozymes naturally encoded in the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana. 
    Plant Cell 17, 1877-1885 (2005) 
  • Gräf S, Borisova BE, Nellen W, Steger G, Hammann, C 
    A database search for double-strand containing RNAs in Dictyostelium discoideum. 
    Biol. Chem. 385, 961-965 (2004) 
  • Matoušek J, Orctová L, Steger G, Riesner D 
    Biolistic inoculation of plants with viroid nucleic acids. 
    J. Virol. Methods 122, 153-164 (2004) 
  • Matoušek J, Orctová L, Steger G, Škopek J, Moors M, Dědič P, Riesner D 
    Analysis of thermal stress-mediated PSTVd variation and biolistic inoculation of progeny of viroid "thermomutants" to tomato and Brassica species. 
    Virology 323, 9-23 (2004) 
  • Riesner D, Steger G 
    Viroids and viroid-like agents. 
    Polish J. Pathology 4, 67-78 (2004) 
  • Riesner D, Steger G 
    Temperature-gradient gel-electrophoresis. 
    In Bindereif, A., Hartmann, R., Schön, A. & Westhof, E. (Hrsg.), Handbook of RNA Biochemistry, Wiley-VCH , 398-414 (2004) 
  • Steger, G 
    Secondary Structure Prediction. 
    In Bindereif, A., Hartmann, R., Schön, A. & Westhof, E. (Hrsg.), Handbook of RNA Biochemistry, Wiley-VCH , 513-535 (2004) 
  • Steger, G & Riesner, D 
    Properties of Viroids: Molecular characteristics. 
    In Hadidi, A., Flores, R., Randles, J.W. & Semancik, J.S. (Hrsg.), Viroids, CSIRO Publishing, Australia , 15-29 (2004) 
  • Dingley AJ, Steger G, Esters B, Riesner D, Grzesiek S 
    Structural characterization of the 69 nucleotide potato spindle tuber viroid left-terminal domain by NMR and thermodynamic analysis. 
    J. Mol. Biol. 334, 751-767 (2003) 
  • Owens RA, Sano T, Feldstein PA, Hu Y, Steger G 
    Identification of a novel structural interaction in Columnea latent viroid. 
    Virology 313, 604-614 (2003) 
  • Steger G 
    Bioinformatik: Methoden zur Vorhersage von RNA- und Proteinstruktur. 
    Birkhäuser Verlag Basel , (2003) 
  • Steger G, Riesner D 
    Properties of Viroids: Molecular characteristics. 
    In "Viroids" (Hadidi A, Flores R, Randles JW, Semancik JS, eds.) CSIRO Publishing , 15-29 (2003) 
  • Yukawa Y, Matousek J, Grimm M, Vrba L, Steger G, Sugiura M, Beier H 
    Plant 7SL RNA and tRNA(Tyr) genes with inserted antisense sequences are efficiently expressed in an in vitro system from Nicotiana tabacum cells. 
    Plant Mol. Biol. 50, 713-723 (2002) 
  • Gräf S, Strothmann D, Kurtz S, Steger, G 
    HyPaLib: a database of RNAs and RNA structural elements defined by hybrid patterns. 
    Nucleic Acids Res. 29, 196-198 (2001) 
  • Matoušek J, Patzak J, Orctová L, Schubert J, Vrba L, Steger G, Riesner D 
    The variability of hop latent viroid as induced upon heat treatment. 
    Virology 287, 349-358 (2001) 
  • Antal M, Mougin A, Kis M, Boros E, Steger G, Jakab G, Solymosy F, Branlant C  
    Molecular characterization at the RNA and gene levels of U3 snoRNA from a unicellular green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 
    Nucleic Acids Res 28, 2959-2968 (2000) 
  • Lück R, Gräf S, Steger G 
    ConStruct: a tool for thermodynamic controlled prediction of conserved secondary structure  
    Nucleic Acids Res 27, 4208-4217 (1999) 
  • Matoušek J, Junker V, Vrba L, Schubert J, Patza, J, Steger G  
    Molecular characterization and genome organization of 7SL RNA genes from hop (Humulus lupulus L)  
    Gene 239, 173-183 (1999) 
  • Repsilber D, Wiese U, Rachen M, Schröder AR, Riesner D, Steger G 
    Formation of metastable RNA structures by sequential folding during transcription: Time-resolved structural analysis of potato spindle tuber viroid (-)-stranded RNA by temperature-gradient gel electrophoresis. 
    RNA 5, 574-584 (1999) 
  • Klaff P, Riesner D, Steger G  
    RNA structure and the regulation of gene expression  
    Plant Mol Biol 32, 89-106 (1996) 
  • Lück R, Steger G, Riesner D 
    Thermodynamic prediction of conserved secondary structure: Application to RRE-element of HIV, tRNA-like element of CMV, and mRNA of prion protein. 
    J Mol Biol 258, 813-826 (1996) 
  • Owens RA, Steger G, Hu Y, Fels A, Hammond RW, Riesner D 
    RNA structural features responsible for potato spindle tuber viroid pathogenicity. 
    Virology 222, 144-158 (1996) 
  • Schmitz M, Steger G 
    Description of RNA folding by ``simulated annealing''. 
    J Mol Biol 255, 254-266 (1996) 
  • Chen X, Baumstark T, Steger G, Riesner D  
    High resolution SSCP by optimization of the temperature by transverse TGGE 
    Nucleic Acids Res 23(21), 4524-5 (1995) 
  • Gruner R, Fels A, Qu F, Zimmat R, Steger G, Riesner D  
    Interdependence of pathogenicity and replicability with potato spindle tuber viroid 
    Virology 209(1), 60-9 (1995) 
  • Matousek J, Trena L, Dedic P, Rakousky S, Steger G, Riesner D 
    Inhibition of viroid infection by antisense RNA expression in transgenic plants. 
    Biol Chem Hoppe-Seyler 375, 765-777 (1994) 
  • Qu F, Heinrich C, Loss P, Steger G, Tien P, Riesner D  
    Multiple pathways of reversion in viroids for conservation of structural elements 
    EMBO J. 12(5), 2129-39 (1993) 
  • Riesner D, Baumstark T, Qu F, Klahn T, Loss P, Rosenbaum V, Schmitz M, Steger G 
    Physical basis and biological examples of metastable RNA structures. 
    In "Structural tools for the analysis of protein-nucleic acids complexes. Advances in Life Sciences" (Lilley D, Heumann H, Suck D, eds.) Birkhäuser , 401-435 (1992) 
  • Schmitz M, Steger G 
    Base-pair probability profiles of RNA secondary structures. 
    CABIOS 8, 389-399 (1992) 
  • Steger G, Baumstark T, Mörchen M, Tabler M, Tsagris M, Sänger HL, Riesner D 
    Structural requirements for viroid processing by RNase T1. 
    J Mol Biol 227, 719-737 (1992) 
  • Loss P, Schmitz M, Steger G, Riesner D  
    Formation of a thermodynamically metastable structure containing hairpin II is critical for infectivity of potato spindle tuber viroid RNA  
    EMBO J 10(3), 719-27 (1991) 
  • Owens RA, Thompson SM, Steger G 
    Effects of random mutagenesis upon potato spindle tuber viroid replication and symptom expression. 
    Virology 185, 18-31 (1991) 
  • Riesner D, Harders J, Hecker R, Klaff P, Lukacs N, Steger G  
    Viroid structures involved in protein binding and replication. 
    In "Plant Molecular Biology 2" (Herrmann RG, Larkins BA, eds.) NATOA ASI Series A, Life Sciences, Plenum Press 212, 75-90 (1991) 
  • Riesner D, Henco K, Steger G 
    Temperature-gradient gel electrophoresis: A method for the analysis of conformational transitions and mutations in nucleic acids and proteins. 
    In "Advances in electrophoresis" (Chrambach A, Dunn MJ, Radola BJ, eds.) VCH Weinheim Vol. 4, 169-250 (1991) 
  • Riesner D, Steger G 
    Viroids and viroid-like RNA. 
    In "Nucleic Acids, Subvol. d, Physical Data II, Theoretical Investigations, Landolt-Börnstein. Group VII Biophysics, 1, 194-243 (1990) 
  • Rubino L, Tousignant ME, Steger G, Kaper JM 
    Nucleotide sequence and structural analysis of two satellite RNAs associated with chicory yellow mottle virus (CYMV). 
    J Gen Virol 71, 1897-1904 (1990) 
  • Riesner D, Steger G, Zimmat R, Owens RA, Wagenhofer M, Hillen W, Vollbach S, Henco K  
    Temperature-gradient gel electrophoresis of nucleic acids: analysis of conformational transitions, sequence variations, and protein-nucleic acid interactions  
    Electrophoresis 10(5-6), 377-89 (1989) 
  • Riesner D, Steger G, Zimmat R, Owens RA, Wagenhöfer M, Hillen W, Vollbach S, Henco K  
    Temperature-gradient gel electrophoresis: Analysis of conformational transitions, sequence variations, and protein-nucleic acid interactions. 
    Electrophoresis 10, 377-389 (1989) 
  • Zimmat R, Gruner R, Hecker R, Steger G, Riesner D 
    Analysis of mutations in viroid RNA by non-denaturing and temperature-gradient gel electrophoresis. 
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  • Hecker R, Wang ZM, Steger G, Riesner D  
    Analysis of RNA structures by temperature-gradient gel electrophoresis: viroid replication and processing  
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  • Kaper JM, Tousignant ME, Steger G 
    Nucleotide sequence predicts circularity and self-cleavage of 300-ribonucleotide satellite of arabis mosaic virus. 
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun 154, 318-325 (1988) 
  • Riesner D, Hecker R, Steger G 
    Structure of viroid replication intermediates as studied by thermodynamics and temperature-gradient gel electrophoresis. 
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  • Steger G 
    Structural properties of viroid replicative intermediates and of satellite RNAs of CMV. 
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  • Riesner D, Klaff P, Steger G, Hecker R 
    Viroids: Subcellular location and structure of replicative intermediates. 
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  • Steger G, Tien P, Kaper J, Riesner D 
    Double-stranded cucumovirus associated RNA 5: Which sequence variations may be detected by optical melting and temperature-gradient gel electrophoresis? 
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  • Tien P, Steger G, Rosenbaum V, Kaper J, Riesner D 
    Double-stranded cucumovirus associated RNA 5: Experimental analysis of necrogenic and non-necrogenic variants by temperature-gradient gel electrophoresis. 
    Nucleic Acids Res 15, 5069-5083 (1987) 
  • Steger G, Rosenbaum V, Riesner D 
    Viroids: Structure formation and function. 
    In "Structure and dynamics of RNA" NATO ASI Series A, Life Sciences, Plenum Press 110, 315-329 (1986) 
  • Steger G, Tabler M, Brüggemann W, Colpan M, Klotz G, Sänger HL, Riesner D 
    Structure of viroid replicative intermediates: Physico-chemical studies on SP6 transcripts of cloned oligomeric potato spindle tuber viroid. 
    Nucleic Acids Res 14, 9613-9630 (1986) 
  • Werntges H, Steger G, Riesner D, Fritz HJ 
    Mismatches in DNA double strands: Thermodynamic parameters and their correlation to repair efficiencies. 
    Nucleic Acids Res 14, 3773-3790 (1986) 
  • Loss P, Steger G, Riesner D 
    Klonierung und Hybridisierung vonkrankheitsassoziierten Nukleinsäuren zur diagnostischen Erfassung von Waldschäden.  
    VDIn Berichte 560, 71-80 (1985) 
  • Steger G, Loss P, Schumacher J, Riesner D 
    Korrelation des Auftretens kleiner RNAs mit Waldschäden.  
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  • Steger G, Hofmann H, Förtsch J, Gross HJ, Randles JW, Sänger HL, Riesner D 
    Conformational transitions in viroids and virusoids: Comparison of results from energy minimization algorithm and from experimental data. 
    J Biomol Struct Dyn 2, 543-571 (1984) 
  • Brosius B, Steger G, Hillen W, Riesner D 
    Thermodynamics of nucleic acids enclosed in reverse phase vesicles. 
    In "Reverse micelles: Biological and technological relevance, Proceedings of the IV. ESF Workshop on Polymer Science, Rigi-Kaltbad, Switzerland" Plenum Press , 279-­286 (1983) 
  • Gross HJ, Sänger HL, Schumacher J, Steger G, Riesner D  
    Viroids: their structure and possible origin. 
    In "Endocytobiology III" (Lee JJ, Fredrick JF, eds.) The New York Academy of Sciences, New York , 48-55 (1983) 
  • Riesner D, Colpan M, Goodman TC, Nagel L, Schumacher J, Steger G, Hofmann H 
    Dynamics and interactions of viroids. 
    J Biomol Struct Dyn 1, 669-688 (1983) 
  • Riesner D, Steger G, Schumacher J, Gross HJ, Randles JW, Sänger HL 
    Structure and function of viroids. 
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  • Randles JW, Steger G, Riesner D 
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  • Gross HJ, Krupp G, Domdey H and, Steger G, Riesner D, Sänger HL 
    The structure of the plant viroids. 
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  • Henco K, Steger G, Riesner D 
    Melting curves on less than 1 ug of nucleic acid. 
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  • Steger G, Müller H, Riesner D 
    Helix-coil transitions in double-stranded viral RNA: Fine resolution melting and ionic strength dependence. 
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