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Versatile Switch for Light-Controlled Cells

The structure of the light-driven ion pump KR2 may provide a blueprint for new optogenetic tools. The findings are reported by an international team of scientists in the Journal Nature Structural and Molecular Biology.

Original publication:
Ivan Gushchin, Vitaly Shevchenko, Vitaly Polovinkin, Kirill Kovalev, Alexey Alekseev, Ekaterina Round, Valentin Borshchevskiy, Taras Balandin, Alexander Popov, Thomas Gensch, Christoph Fahlke, Christian Bamann, Dieter Willbold, Georg Büldt, Ernst Bamberg& Valentin Gordeliy:
Crystal structure of a light-driven sodium pump. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (2015) doi:10.1038/nsmb.3002

undefinedPress Release (Forschungszentrum Jülich)

Kategorie/n: IPB-Newsticker-EN
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